Today we filmed all the shots of the man running through the town, and began planning our next shootings, the main thing I came away with today was the knowledge that it won't be as easy to get people together to film as we thought, as our main actor works in the week it will be hard to find times appropriate for all.
Monday 6th/Tuesday 7th dec 2010
We started to log our logging sheets and finished off story boards.
Wednesday 8th December
Emily and Rebecca filmed after college at Evans House. They had to film the shots of the man running through a building and into the empty room. They couldn’t film the shots of the girl in the room at the same time because the girl who was going to act in our film was not available.
They found a room which they could use for filming, and decided to work backwards; they filmed the shots of him in the room first and then went back through the corridors filming him running towards and away from the room as they went. This was because they thought that the shots in the room were most important, so it made sense to capture those first. This also meant that they could spend more time experimenting a little with camera angles and positions as they knew they had filmed the most important shots.
Again, another problem was that they had to spend some time at the beginning of the session finding a room which they could use to film, which is time they felt could have been saved and used to film more shots in. Also because it was dark they couldn't film the establishing shot of the building or any shots of him entering the building from outside.
Thursday 9th dec/Friday 10th dec 2010We could not start to log the footage that we had filmed on the Wednesday as we had to continue with the paper work needed for our blogs. This included finishing the production schedule and scanning the location sheets and story boards onto the computer so that we could add them to our blogs.
Monday 13th dec 201
Unfortunately we missplaced the log sheets which we had completed, and as a result we fell behind on our schedule due to rewriting our log sheets.
Tuesday 14th dec 2010
we continued logging footage from our previous shoot, and James- who couldn't be there to shoot- went to shoot the footage of the trapped girl.
Once we had footage we had at last enough footage of each shot, and all footage on top would be a chance to fine tune shots. we also got a range of shots on this shoot, as we realised we didnt have alot of range in our original shotlist.
Thursday 16th dec/ Friday 17th dec 2010
We had paper work to be finished for the blogs, and so allthough we had not logged all of our footage, we felt it was more important to keep our blogs up to date, and so we completed character outlines and shooting scripts.
Tuesday 4th Jan 2011
We began capturing footage of our thriller onto the computer, this was a difficult task, as we had not captured fully since the begining of the year, with our preliminary task.
Thursday 6th Jan
The work we had done on capturing our film would not open on our computer, so we had to repeat a large section of work today.
Friday 7th Jan
Today I spent most of the lesson starting to the film together in Premiere. And finished the thriller.